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The Legacy Fund Endowment Campaign

As a permanently invested endowment, the Legacy Fund will be an ongoing source of income, providing the assurance that our important work can always continue.

Giving to the Legacy Fund will support United Women in Faith in perpetuity. That’s why gifts to the endowment fund are such a vital way to sustain and grow our capacity to serve and advocate,

In 2014, the Legacy Endowment Fund Campaign was created and set a bold goal of raising $60 million for the endowment. Through the generosity and efforts of women like you, we are confident this goal can be reached!

With every gift received in 2022 and beyond, we will secure the financial resources needed to deepen and expand our mission. Consider joining your legacy with ours and making a gift today.

legacy fund

150 Legacy Builder

With the Legacy Builder, you can help move our mission steadily forward by making a monthly gift of $18.69 or more.

Why $18.69? To honor our foremothers who, in 1869, first put out the call to action to raise money to improve the lives of women and children.

What could $18.69 impact? By endowing core expenses, we are equipped to make a difference in areas such as:

  • Providing healthy snacks to an afterschool program for children living in poverty in rural Kentucky

  • Supplying books for an international scholarship recipient in the Phillipines

  • Purchasing baby checks to create entrepreneurship opportunities for women and youth in Mozambique.

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